Saturday 9 November 2013

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

The issue of electric motorcycle is a divisive one for motorcyclists. In general, Motorcyclists are a pretty conservative lot and it's very common to encounter bikers with the mindset that 'their' bike is the best bike in the world and that anything different is rubbish. 

(If you are one of those biker, you might consider cutting that shit out. It's really fucking tedious...)

So electric bikes have an uphill struggle for adoption...

A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to try one of those cheap little Chinese electric scooters. I think it cost about €1,300 out of the box and it didn't need road tax. It looked a bit like a Vespa and was powered by a lead/acid car battery. It was ugly and the finish was pretty crude - on the face of it, it wasn't very attractive.

But I was curious about it so I took it for a spin and was surprised to find that despite its crudeness, it wasn't bad at all. There was something appealing about the quietness and the way it made torque from the get-go. Based on that one small experience, I'm all in favour of electric motorcycles.

I don't know much about the Tacita bike pictured below. It makes about 40 horsepower and 60 Newtons of torque which is not too shabby (an Africa Twin makes about 60hp and 62 Newtons). And it has a range of four hours which is pretty long-legged!

With its beautiful hand-made, unpainted aluminium bodywork it was the star of the show for me...

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

EICMA 2013 - Tacita Electric Rally Bike

#EICMA #EICMA2013 #Tacita #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

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