Friday 31 August 2018


Sanctuary RCM 452 - Kawasaki Z900 Z1 Restomod

Image Sanctuary RCM

#SacntuaryRCM #RCM451 #KawasakiZ1 #Otaku  #NewYorkSteak #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 30 August 2018

Diesel Octopus

Diesel Octopus by Andrey Tkachenko

Image by Andrey Tkachenko

#AndreyTkachenko #SovietDieselpunk #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Turbo Lover

This has just been adopted as the official MERCENARY theme tune. We were using the Steve Zissou one but it just never felt right...

#RobHalford #JudasPrest #HeavyMetal #HondaMagna #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 29 August 2018


Ready Player One (2018)

Ready Player One (2018)

#Artemis #ReadyPlayerOne #KanedaBike #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sharktooth Salt Racer

Sharktooth Salt Racer by JimmyBan

Image JimmyBan

#JimmyBan #Sharktooth #SaltRacer #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 28 August 2018

No Future

Cyberpunk 2077

Image Cyberpunk 2077 (2019)

#Cyberpunk2077 #CDProjekt #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Biker Girl

Biker Girl by Eddie Mendoza

Image Eddie Mendoza

#EddieMendoza #Cyberpunk #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Monday 27 August 2018


Click on the image to see it full size. It's remarkable!

1970 Honda US90 ATC - Image by Pim Thomassen Agency

Image by Pim Thomassen Agency 

#CMSNL #HondaATC #PimThomassenAgency #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Warhorse - Custom Yamaha YZF-R1 with Minigun

Image Unknown

#Warhorse #YamahaR1 #Minigun #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Custom GSXR Slab Side - Image CoolKidCustoms

Image CoolKidCustoms

#CoolKidCustoms #SuzukiSlabSide #SlabSide #GSXR #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 26 August 2018

Long Distance Navigation Trial

Glenmalure, County Wicklow, August 25th 2018.

KLR in its natural habitat

Between riding and navigating, the whole thing was pretty intense. Consequently, I only stopped once for photos...

Team Mercenary

Evan's Mad Max TDM

XR 400

KLR 250 in foreground, TDM 850 nonchalantly lounges against the van.

KLR 250

Nikogda ne Sdavaysya -Never Give Up!

Photos mostly by Evan

#LongDistanceNavigationTrials #KLR #KLR250 #TDM #TDM850 #TransporterT4 #VWT4 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 25 August 2018


The KLR aboard the Surface Module.

Image Mercenary

#KLR #KLR250 #VWT4 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

MERCENARY is Traveling

Normal service resumes tomorrow.

Or maybe later today. Who knows...

MERCENARY is Traveling

Image Unknown

#Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Friday 24 August 2018


Mercenary KLR

Image Mercenary

#KawasakiKLR #StealthKLR #KLR #KLR250 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Kalashnikov Electric Moto

Soviet News Agency TASS reports... no wait, that was the eighties.

Kalashnikov build a silent, electric motorcycle for military and police use.

*Harley Davidson called. They want their music back.

#Kalashnikov #KalashnikovMoto #EBike #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 23 August 2018

Support Your Local MERCENARY

Confuse the hell out of your friends and colleagues by wearing one of our delicious T-Shirts featuring the MERCENARY AK logo on the front and the Mercenary Garage logo in colour across the back.

Mercenary T-Shirt - B-Side featuring the Mercenary Garage Logo
BACK featuring the Mercenary Garage Logo

Mercenary T-Shirt - A-Side featuring the MERCENARY AK Logo
FRONT featuring the MERCENARY AK Logo

#SupportYourLocalMercenary #MercenaryTShirt #Kalashnikov #AK47 #KalashnikovAK47 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

The Last V-Eight

Mad Max Ford Falcon XB GT Coupe

Image Unknown

#MadMax #FalconXB #FordFalcon #MFP #RoadWarrior #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Outpost Zero vs. Akira

Outpost Zero vs. Akira

Image Symmetric Games

#SymmetricGames #OutpostZero #Akira #KanedaBike #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

'Zoku Slab

Bosozoku Suzuki GSXR Slabside -  Image The Official Demy

Image The Official Demy

#OfficialDemy #Bosozoku #Punk #Slabside #SuzukiSlabSide #GSXR #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 21 August 2018


Ahh... The Eighties. You had to be there.

Image by Scott Listfield

Image Scott Listfield

#MaxHeadroom #PurpleRain #ScottListfield #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Sculpture by Takayuki Takeya and Yaushi Nirasawa

Sculpture by Takayuki Takeya and Yaushi Nirasawa

#TakayukiTakeya #YaushiNirasawa #Niraworks #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Monday 20 August 2018

Space Chopper

Tesla Space Chopper by Bogdan Marica

Illustration Bogdan Marica

#Cyberpunk #BogdanMarica #Bogdanmrk #Tesla #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 19 August 2018

Homemade IKEA Roadbook Holder

There is an updated version of this Roadbook Holder that doesn't require any special tools here -

Acerbis used to make a cheap enduro Roadbook Holder that retailed around 20 euro/pounds/dollars or whatever. But they don't anymore, and Roadbook Holders seem to start at over 100 euro. These Roadbook Holders are more expensive 'cos they have additional features and better build quality than those old Acerbis ones, but the Acerbis ones were perfectly functional. It seems to me there is still a need for a simple, cheap, hand-operated Roadbook Holder.

So here's my attempt, which began like so many things do, in IKEA...

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
So after rooting around looking at old lunchboxes and finding nothing suitable, I went to IKEA and found this. It's almost perfectly sized. It will comfortable hold a roll of paper 150 mm wide and offers a display height of 100 mm. The only way this box could be  more perfect would be if it was about 10 mm deeper to allow it to hold a slightly larger roll. It remains to be seen exactly how much paper it will hold, so maybe it will work out okay.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
I think it cost about 4 euro. This box is also available with a range of other products inside but I chose this cos it's stuff I might actually use in the workshop...

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
...and I was pleasantly surprised to find a bunch of these things in the box. They looked perfectly designed for fixing things to the cross-brace commonly found on dirt-bike handlebars. One side is adhesive, the other is designed to attach to a round cable with a cable-tie. I'm pretty sure you could use them to cable-tie this actual box to the bars, maybe using a bit of sliced rubber fuel line to provide some grip. I'm not going to mount the box this way, but it could be done.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
When you get into it, the box isn't as straight and square as you might expect and there's no well-defined edge anywhere to use as a datum. It's important that the Rollers and Scrolls are parallel to one another but it doesn't much matter where exactly they go. If I was making more than one unit, I'd make a jig to align the holes but because I'm just making one, using a Surface Gauge allowed me to sort of wing it. I don't know or care precisely where the holes are, but using the surface gauge to mark out the holes ensures that the are all in precisely the same place on each side.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
The rest of the ingredients I already had in stock in the workshop. They are, two knobs threaded M6, one smaller than the other. Two grommets ID 6mm, OD 10mm. And four lengths of 10 mm aluminium bar. Had I different ingredients in stock, I would have built the thing differently but it seems to have worked out just fine.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
After marking out where the holes go, I started them by pushing a scribe right through the surface and finished them with a hand drill (nothing on the box is square so drilling them on the pillar drill was more trouble than it was worth). The big holes are 10 mm, the smaller ones are 5 mm and the arrangement is identical on both sides.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
These are the rollers. I turned shoulders onto two of the aluminium bars. The shoulders have a slight taper to allow clearance in the rounded corners of the box. I used a deburring tool to finesse the holes until the rollers were free to spin. The tapered shoulders locate the rollers laterally and prevent them from dropping out.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
These are the scrolls. One end was tapped M6 to accommodate the two knobs. The other had a boss turned diameter 6 mm, length 5 mm and then tapped M4. The bosses are a snug fit in the grommets preventing lateral movement and providing a small amount of friction to prevent the scrolls from freewheeling.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
M4 bolts and washers hold the scrolls in place. The rollers simply hold themselves into the corners while remaining free to spin.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
The finished item ready for mounting on the bike. Most Roadbook Holders have two equal sized knobs. I chose to use a smaller knob on the bottom scroll to make it less likely to be accidentally used while riding the bike and looking where I'm going rather than paying attention to what my hand is doing. If I need to reverse the bottom scroll it's cos I'm lost so I'll most likely be stationary, scratching my head with my throttle hand.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
Another nice little feature of the IKEA Fixa box is that the lid is hinged. It's really simple to open and close and there's no danger of losing the lid while you're loading the roadbook.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
I chose to mount the Roadbook Holder above my GPS (note the adjustable odometer just behind and to the left of the GPS). Mounting it here looks a bit ungainly but I can see it, and operate it from either a sitting position or standing on the footpegs.

Ikea Fixa Homemade Enduro Roadbook Holder
I haven't tried it yet, but I suspect the bike will no longer fit in the van. Arse!

EDIT - About a week later...

So I used the Roadbook Holder and it worked pretty well. I still don't know how long a roll it will hold but it held enough for a 100 km trip. I think it could definitely go with being deeper but the height and width were perfect. The rolls tended to unfurl a little (proper Roadbook Holders seem to suffer from this too) so a way to keep tension on the scrolls would make it easier to use. I'm going to try running an O-ring across the two scrolls like a caterpillar-track to see if this makes a difference.

Nikogda ne sdavaysya - Never Give Up!


#IKEA #Fixa #OneDayBuild #RoadbookHolder #EnduroRoadbook #KLR250 #StealthKLR #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


 'Our Dream' by Randall Mackey - Soviet Era Cyberpunk

'Our Dream' by Randall Mackey

#RandallMackey #SovietCyberpunk #Cyberpunk #CCCP #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Kaneda Bike

 PROJECT ECHO x AKIRA Kaneda Superbike By Giulio Partisani

Illustration Giulio Partisani

#Akira #KanedaBike #AkiraPowerBike #GiulioPartisani #ProjectEcho #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 18 August 2018

Viktoria Modesta

Viktoria Modesta
Image Unknown

#ViktoriaModesta #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

The Eighties

The decade you are trying to visit no longer exists.

404 - The decade you are trying to visit no longer exists.

Image Unknown

#404 #TheEighties #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Friday 17 August 2018

Neo-Tokyo Interceptor

 Mad Max x Akira by Khyzyl Saleem

Mad Max x Akira by Khyzyl Saleem

#MadMax #Akira #KhyzylSaleem #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Greaser Garage RC-17

Honda CBX750 RC-17-Bol-Dor Endurance Racer Concept by Greaser Garage

Image Greaser Garage

#GreaserGarage #BolDor #RC17 #CBX750 #HondaCBX #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 16 August 2018


Image Unknown

#BillyIdol #GenerationX #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Jupiter 5 by Box 39

Kustom Izh Jupiter 5 by Box 39

Kustom Izh Jupiter 5 by Box 39

Images by Box39

#Box39 #IzhJupiter #Izh #Юпитер5 #Kustom #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage