Monday 31 May 2021


I've added a 'Followers' button to the bottom of the page.

So go ahead and click that button and let everyone see your icon... 

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#FollowMe #FollowButton #Followers #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Mercenary Ghetto Engineering

So one of my courier buddies, Alan arrived out at the workshop yesterday with a couple of cylinders from a Lambretta GP200 and a crankcase from a Lambretta GP150, to do some machining.

Apparently fitting 200 barrels to 150 cases is a desirable modification in Lambretta circles, but it's not quite a bolt up operation. The difficulty is that the bottom of the 200 cylinder (the skirt) has an outside diameter of 75 mm and the 150 crankcase mouth has a diameter of 70mm. So something's got to give.

The conventional wisdom would suggest that the right way to do this would be to enlarge the 70 mm diameter crankcase mouth to 75 mm. 

However the crankcase is an irregular shape and it's pretty big. That single casting is also the swingarm, the brake hub, the suspension mount and the wheel... eh... holder. There is also Dog-knows-what kind of transmission system in there too. 

Anyway, I'm guessing it requires some specialist fixture to hold the thing and line boring equipment to do the operation. Also, there is a sort of shoulder at the bottom of the mouth that would prevent enlarging the mouth by hand with a file which otherwise is something I would definitely do.

In addition to this, enlarging the crank mouth reduces the amount of metal around the cylinder studs and requires a further series of modifications to remedy. There are Lambretta specialists in the UK that do this operation but it's understandably expensive. And since Brexit a couple of months back, this kind of trade between the UK and Ireland now incurs taxes on the goods or services and additional taxes on the shipping which makes it prohibitively expensive. Such is life.

So, that's why we went ghetto.

Weirdly, the DRO was malfunctioning so we did it old-school with dial gauges which is even more ghetto. The DRO seems to be working happily again now. Dunno.

We stuck the 200 barrels into the lathe and took 2.5 mm off the radius. The skirts were made of cast iron which is lovely to machine and gives a nice surface finish. It seemed to work pretty well and Alan was happy with the finished products. 

Now, in my defense, according to Alan this type of conversion has been going on in Ireland since the '80s and it came about because it's a more robust than boring out a 150 barrel to take a 200 piston which was supposedly fragile. 

So this may not the ideal way to approach this, but it works. 

In the words of Mikhail Kalashnikov - "Perfection is the enemy of good enough".

This is what serves as a crankcase on a scooter. The big roundy bit at the front is where the crank goes. The big roundy bit at the back is the brake hub. I'm pretty sure the horizontal hole is for carrying a refreshing non-alcoholic beverage.
This is what serves as a crankcase on a scooter. The big roundy bit at the front is where the crank goes. The big roundy bit at the back is the brake hub. I'm pretty sure the horizontal hole is a beverage holder.

This is the mouth of the crankcase. It's easy to see that enlarging the hole by 5 mm is going to compromise the cylinder stud mounts. And it's clear that enlarging it by hand is prohibitively difficult.
This is the mouth of the crankcase. It's easy to see that enlarging the hole by 5 mm is going to compromise the cylinder stud mounts. And it's clear that enlarging it by hand is not really possible.

Before (left) and after shot showing a modified and unmodified Lambretta GP200 cylinder.
Before (left) and after shot comparing a modified and unmodified Lambretta GP200 cylinder.

Checking the run-out of the barrel in the lathe using a dial-gauge.
Checking the run-out of the barrel in the lathe using a dial-gauge.

Work in progress. Machining cast-iron is lovely.
Work in progress. Machining cast-iron is lovely.

Closeup of the finished piece.
Closeup of the finished piece. 

Ducks in a row...

#Lambretta #LambrettaGP200 #LambrettaGP150 #OldSkool #OldSchool #Ghetto #GhettoEngineering #PerfectionIsTheEnemyOfGoodEnough #MercenaryEngineering #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryMotorcycles #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 30 May 2021

Mercenary Garage Merchandise

There has been a range of Mercenary T-Shirts available for a couple of years now. They've been selling away in the background but they're hard to find and difficult to navigate.

I don't ever want this blog to be about selling stuff. I'd much rather keep it weird and organic and hopefully interesting and it's to this end I've always kept it free of adverts. But I think there is a demand for T-Shirts and Hoodies and I'd like to make them easier to find and easy to navigate without advertising them in an obnoxious way.

So I'm currently developing a Mercenary Garage Merchandise Store in conjunction with shopify. I hope to have it fully operational over the next week or so.

Click on one of the T-Shirt designs in the column on the right-hand side of the page to get there, or alternatively just click on one of the images below.


Mercenary Garage Merchandise Store - Hoodies -

Mercenary Garage Merchandise Store - Men's T-Shirts -

Mercenary Garage Merchandise Store - Women's T-Shirts -

#MercenaryMerchandise #MercenaryTShirts #MercenaryHoodies #MercenaryOnlineStore #MercenaryStore #MercenaryGarageStore #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 29 May 2021


FLCL Action Figures
Image Unknown

#FLCL #FoolyCooly #Anime #Vespa #Scooter #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Friday 28 May 2021

Casual Friday

Casual Friday - Photographer Unknown
Image Unknown

#CasualFriday #TiredNow #MotorcycleWorkshop #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 27 May 2021


The motorcycle equivalent of a DeLorean, only better in traffic and quicker to 88 mph...

1988 Ducati Paso 750 in metallic neon blue with 16" wheels - More '80s than Max Headroom appearing on Miami Vice.

Image Unknown

#Ducati #DucatiPaso #750Paso #TheEighties #The80s #BTTF #TimeMachine #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 26 May 2021


Honda CR250 Elsinore Motocrosser, circa 1978

Image Unknown

#InNOutBurger #DoubleDouble #HondaCR250 #CR250 #HondaElsinore #Elsinore #The70s #TheSeventies #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Lost Future

Check out this beautiful futuristic hub-centre-steered Yamaha concept and yearn for the eighties and that lost future...

1985 Futuristic hub-centre steered concept Yamaha 750 designed by Douglas Barber and Frog Design.

Image Frog Design

#DouglasBarber #FrogDesign #EightiesFuturism #TheEighties #The80s #HubCentreSteering #MotorcycleConcept #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Monday 24 May 2021


Stranski Girl on Bike 1:24 Scale Industria Mechanika Vintage Harley WLA
Illustration - Stranski

#Stranski #IndustriaMechanika #HarleyWL45 #HarleyFlathead #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 23 May 2021

Faye Webster

Give this a couple of spins and let it get under your skin...

Cheers by Faye Webster off her forthcoming album I Know I'm Funny Haha

#FayeWebster #Cheers #IKnowImFunnyHaHa #SecretlyCanadian #StuntBikes #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 22 May 2021

Time Machine

These two girls have time-traveled from mid-eighties LA to the future (2015) on their 1985 Yamaha Jog scooter time machine. 

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what's going on.

These two girls have time-traveled from mid-eighties LA to the future (2015) on their 1985 Yamaha Jog scooter time machine.
Image Unknown

#YamahaJog #MoonbeamCity #NewWave #TimeTravel #TheEighties #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Friday 21 May 2021

Ural Bobber Sidecar

This custom built Ural Bobber Sidecar by Semen Ushakov in Russia is marvelous.

Custom built Ural Bobber Sidecar by Semen Ushakov

Custom built Ural Bobber Sidecar by Semen Ushakov

Custom built Ural Bobber Sidecar by Semen Ushakov

#SemenUshakov #Ural #UralSidecar #UralBobber #UralBobberSidecar #CustomSidecar #CustomUral #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 20 May 2021


It's raining like a mofo here in Dublin today...

Riding in the Rain by Dewey Neal

Illustration Dewey Neal

#DeweyNeal #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Benelli Technical

Benelli M36 Technical by Lev Viktorov

Images Lev Victorov

#LevViktorov #Benelli #BenelliM36 #TechnicalVehicle #Wasteland #WastelandTrike #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 18 May 2021


Italian print ad for the GSXR 1100. Interestingly, the bike featured has a single rectangular headlight.
Image Unknown

#GSXR #GSXR1100 #GSXRSlabSide #SlabSide #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Monday 17 May 2021


1970s Cossack UK Print Advert. During the '70s the Cossack brand was a sort of catch-all for Soviet motorcycles sold in the west including Ural, Dnepr, Voskhod and Izh.

Image Unknown

#Cossack #Ural #UralM63 #UralSolo #TheSeventies #CCCP #USSR #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 16 May 2021


 I'm sure there's a metaphor in here somewhere...

I got nuthin'...

Image Unknown

#Schuberth #Marlboro #Tank #Helmet #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 15 May 2021


FXR Racing Motocross Girl

Image Unknown

#FXR #FXRRacing #MotoX #Motocross #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Friday 14 May 2021

Rainbow Six

Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft Warrior by Tarcisio Ferreira
Image Tarcisio Ferreira

#RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #TarcisioFerreira #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 13 May 2021

Fuji Rabbit

Vintage 1960s Japanese Fuji Rabbit Scooter Print Advert

Image Unknown

#Fuji #FujiRabbit #RabbitScooter #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 12 May 2021


Wasteland Weekend Marauders - Image Mark Matcho via Black Rat Custom

Image Mark Matcho via Black Rat Custom

#BlackRatCustom #MattMatcho #WastelandWeekend #Wasteland #Sharktooth #MatteBlack #MadMax #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Sidecar Dog

Just a happy dog in a sidecar.
Image Unknown

#SidecarDog #VintageSidecar #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Monday 10 May 2021

Moped Monday

'No Keys' Puch Powered 1978 JC Penney Pinto Moped by CRL RTH Chicago via Garage.1977Mopeds
Image via

#Garage1977Mopeds #JCPenneyPinto #Puch #CustomMoped #MopedRacing #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 9 May 2021


Biltwell Baja Excursion - Image via Biltwell on Instagram
Image Biltwell on Instagram

#Biltwell #Baja #HarleyDavidson #Mexico #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 8 May 2021

Stunt Cycle

Here at MERCENARY we're all about the Gyro Powered Motors...

True Cycle Action. Will Jump, Wheelie and Race at Top Speed. Amazing Action Superbike For the King of the Stuntmen. Compete with Figure, Stunt Cycle and Energiser

Image Unknown

#Ideal #EvelKnieval #StuntCycle #EvelKnievalStuntCycle #TheSeventies #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Friday 7 May 2021


Airbrush print advertisement for Honda's first generation CBR1000F Hurricane from about '87 or '88

Image via La Zone Noire (Thanks Bubba)

Go pay La Zone Noire a visit -

#LaZoneNoire #LZN #HondaHurricane #CBR1000F #AirbrushArt #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 6 May 2021

Death Stranding

Sam Porter Bridges and her Death Stranding Reverse Trike by KotobukiyaDeath Stranding Reverse Trike by Kotobukiya

Death Stranding Reverse Trike by Kotobukiya
Death Stranding Reverse Trike by Kotobukiya

Images Kotobukiya

#DeathStranding #SamPorterBridges #Kotobukiya #ReverseTrike #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 5 May 2021


Custom BMW Airhead Boxer Street Tracker by Takashi Nihira, Wedge Motorcycles Japan - Photo Hiromitsu Yasui via Pipeburn

Image Hiromitsu Yasui via Pipeburn

#TakashiNihira #WedgeMotorcycles #HiromitsuYasui #Pipeburn #FlatTracker #StreetTracker #BMWR100 #BMWAirhead #BMWBoxer #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Spare City

Spare City by Ignacio Bazan-Lazcano
Image Ignacio Bazan-Lazcano

#IgnacioBazanLazcano #ConceptArt #SciFi #Wasteland #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Monday 3 May 2021


Bosozoku Style Motorcycle Japan - Image via Project Garage Motorcycles on Tumblr

Image via Project Garage Motorcycles on Tumblr

#Bosozoku #BosozokuMotorcycle #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 2 May 2021

Custom Combination

Custom Sidecar Combination
Image Unknown

#Sidecar #CustomSidecar #KustomSidecar #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 1 May 2021

Monowheel Pilot

Monowheel Pilot
Image Unknown

#Monowheel #TimeTravel #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryMotorcycleWorkshop #MercenaryGarage