Monday 31 December 2018


Image Wenjuinn Png

Image Wenjuinn Png

#Kawaii #Pinup  #WenjuinnPng #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Pathfinder (2018)

Pathfinder (2018)

#Pathfinder #China #PostApocalypse #Wasteland #QuadBike #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 30 December 2018


Trinquette -- David Dunstan aka LoopyDave

Image David Dunstan aka LoopyDave

#Trinquette #DavidDunstan #LoopyDave #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


DOLDOL design/ Graffiti Artist Devil Monkey DMK TIGER KOREA concept helmet sticker

DOLDOL design/ Graffiti Artist Devil Monkey DMK TIGER KOREA concept helmet sticker

Image DOLDOL design/ Graffiti Artist Devil Monkey

#DOLDOLdesign #DevilMonkey #DMK #Tiger #KOREA #HelmetSticker #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 29 December 2018


Image Markus Klinko

Image Markus Klinko

#Chanel #MarkusKlinko #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Clair Obscur

 Illustration ClairObscur
Illustration ClairObscur

#ClairObscur #Cyberpunk #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Friday 28 December 2018

Time Attack Van

Time Attack Splitty by Khyzyl Saleem

Image Khyzyl Saleem

#TimeAttack #Type 2 #VWT2 #SplitScreen #Splitty #Samba #VWBus #VanLife #VWCombie #VW  #Kyza #KhyzylSaleem #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Electric Concept Bike - Artist Unknown

Image Unknown

#MotorcycleConcept #ElectricMotorcycle #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 27 December 2018

Chopper Girl

Image Unknown

#Chopper #ChopperGirl #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Carbon Turbo Kat

Custom Carbon Vinyl Wrap Suzuki Katana 1423 Turbo

Custom Carbon Vinyl Wrap Suzuki Katana 1423 Turbo Custom Carbon Vinyl Wrap Suzuki Katana 1423 Turbo

Images Unknown

#CarbonFibre #SuzukiKatana #MotorcycleWrap #TurboKatana #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Night Rider

There's a night section in the Paddy Dakar and last September we found ourselves riding around a mountain in the dark looking for tiny 1" x 2" metal plaques.

The headlight on the KLR is super bright, but it's limited in it's aim by how far you can turn the bars while stationary. This isn't ideal.

At the time it occurred to me that it would be wonderful to have a lamp of similar brightness to the headlight, but mounted on my helmet so that there would be good illumination wherever I was looking.

What you see here is the culmination of that thought process.

The stock headlamp bulb on the KLR was a 50/55 Watt so the alternator is good for at least that. In addition, it had to power the stop/tail bulb, the indicator bulbs, licence plate bulb and the various bulbs in the instrument cluster.

My KLR doesn't have any of that stuff any more due to advances in LED technology over the last few years. The LED headlight is 35 Watt and the LED parking lamp and the LED stop/tail bulb draw 1 Watt each!

It also has a GPS now - I don't know what kind of power that draws, but I guess its only a couple of Watts.

The point is, there should still be capacity to power an additional 15 Watt LED cluster mounted on a helmet.

The short term plan is to test it out over the winter by simply plugging it into a wiring harness on the bike. But for the Paddy Dakar next year I'll probably run it off a second battery in my backpack so I can walk around away from the bike (there's a good bit of thrashing around searching for the markers). I'll plug the second battery into the wiring harness to keep it charged while I'm on the bike.

I went riding today with the lamp mounted on the peak of my helmet and instantly forgot it was there. It doesn't weigh very much and it's fairly low profile - about 50mm tall and 150 wide. I didn't have it wired up, but I often ride with an electric heated jacket plugged into the bike, so I don't think the wiring will be an issue.

So it looks like it might actually work quite well...

Mercenary Garage Custom LED Helmet Mounted Light Night Raid

Mercenary Garage Custom LED Helmet Mounted Light Night Raid

Mercenary Garage Custom LED Helmet Mounted Light Night Raid

Images Mercenary Garage

#NightRider #NightRaid #NightRally #LEDBulbs #PaddyDakar #KLR #KawasakiKLR #KLR250 #StealthKLR #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Stephen's Day

It was mild and dry here in Dublin. A nice day for dirt...

Dirtbiking on the Forest Moon of Endor...

Mercenary Garage custom KLR250

Navigation equipment is set up for long distance trials. Adjustable odometer, manual roadbook holder and GPS.

Images Mercenary Garage

#KLR #KLR250 #KawasakiKLR #StealthKLR MercenaryKLR #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Ana Marin by Simone De Ranieri

Image Simone De Ranieri

#AnaMarin #SimoneDeRanieri #PremierHelmets #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Tired Now

Image by Krax Moto

Image Krax Moto

#KraxMoto #SantaClaus #BadSanta #TiredNow #HoverBike #JackDaniels #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Little Drummer Boy

MERCENARY hearts Joan Jett.

#JoanJett #LittleDrummerBoy #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Monday 24 December 2018

The Shepherd

MERCENARY wishes you a peaceful Christmas.

 The Shepherd - Fredrick Forsyth

The Shepherd - Fredrick Forsyth

#FredrickForsyth #TheShepherd #DeHaviland #DeHavilandVampire #Christmas #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Makin' a List

Here at MERCENARY we're making a list and checking it twice.

Cos we're going to go out and get the last bits of hardware for the G-Bomb project.

Rob Carpenter wheelies a Harley Davidson Dyna - Photo Jake Bickford

Photo Jake Bickford

#RobCarpenter #HarleyDavidson #HarleyDavidsonDyna #JakeBickford #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Mad Max

Mad Max by Aleksey Rico

Illustration by Aleksey Rico

#AlekseyRico #MadMax #ToeCutter #LastV8 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 23 December 2018


It's a race to the bottom...

Mercenary Garage G-Bomb - G-Bike Gravity Racer

Mercenary Garage G-Bomb - G-Bike Gravity Racer

Mercenary Garage G-Bomb - G-Bike Gravity Racer

Mercenary Garage G-Bomb - G-Bike Gravity Racer

Images Mercenary Garage

#GBomb #GBike #GravityBike #GravityRacer #Gravity #Gravitosos #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Tank Girl

Tank Girl by Image SuarezArt

Image SuarezArt

#SuarezArt #TankGirl #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Capsules vs. Clowns

Image  Unknown

#Akira #Capsules #CapsuleGang #CapsulesVsClowns #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 22 December 2018

Mercenary Christmas Meet-Up

So we spent the day driving around town doing courier shiz and drinking coffee...

Courier Shiz!

Securispeed HQ

Holles St. facing Merrion Sq.

Buell XB12S, Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, Yamaha TDM850

Evan is running wets for the winter.

Noel, Evan, Luan

Pics Evan, Noel, Lunar

#Couriers #Dublin #Dublin8 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Joe Strummer

(21 August 1952 – 22 December 2002)

Sixteen years...

Image via britishpunx

#JoeStrummer #JoeStrummerAndTheMescaleros #TheClash #Strummerville #ObeyStrummer #WWJSD #WhatWouldJoeStummerDo #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Friday 21 December 2018


Anvil Indian Scout Flat Tracker

Image Unknown

#Anvil #IndianMotorcycles #IndianScout #FlatTracker #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Wasteland Helmet

Handmade Wasteland Helmet Cosplay Apocalypse by Larpworks

Image by Larpworks

#Wasteland #Cosplay #Apocalypse #Larpworks #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 20 December 2018

Blonde on Blonde

Image by Ukronlo

Image Ukronlo

#HarleyDavidson #Ukronlo #BlondeOnBlonde #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage 


Alp Racing & Lowbrow Customs by Marcus Thomson Photography

Image Marcus Thomson Photography

#AlpRacing #LowbrowCustoms #MarcusThomsonPhotography #BonnevilleSaltFlats #Bonneville #Landspeed #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Good For Health

MERCENARY T-Shirts, Hoodies and Hats now available!

Mercenary Good For Health Tee -

Mercenary Good For Health Tee -
Mercenary Good For Health Tee -

Mercenary Good For Health Tee -

Images Mercenary Garage

#GoodForHealth #GoodForHealthBadForEducation #BadForEducation #Akira #AkiraBike #KanedaBike #ShotaroKaneda #Kaneda #Ak47 #Kalashnikov #KalashnikovAK47 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage #TShirt #TeeShirt

Cyber Trike

Image Jarold Sng 

#JaroldSngDesign #JaroldSng #Cyberpunk #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 18 December 2018


Hopper by Andre Mealha

Image Andre Mealha

#AndreMealha #HoverBike #SpaceHopper #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage


Francesca Lai photographed by Simone De Ranieri

Image Simone De Ranieri

#SimoneDeRaneri #FrancescaLai #RoyalEnfield #PremierHelmet #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Monday 17 December 2018


Dolph Lundgren - The Punisher (1989)

The Punisher (1989)

#Punisher #ThePunisher #TheNineties #DolphLundgren #HarleyDavidson #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Constantine In Tokyo

Constantine In Tokyo Akira Kaneda Cosplay by Geri Kramer Photography

Image Geri Kramer Photography

#ConstantineInTokyo #Akira #Kaneda #CapsulesVsClowns #Cosplay #GeriKramerPhotography #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 16 December 2018

Project G-Bomb

A couple of years back Evan gifted me a BMX. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it had been about 30 years since I last rode one, and it quickly became apparent that I was going to do myself an injury on the thing. So with uncharacteristic wisdom, I hid it away and forgot about it.

So last night, Nicole Kidman appeared to me in a dream and told me to build a Gravity Bike, reassuring me that there was no way I'd get injured on one of them.

It seemed legit...

So after a couple of hours in the workshop today, this is what it looks like.

It still needs to be painted, stickered and tuned up, and I'm going to shorten the (former) seat tube about an inch to get a little more ground clearance with the weights.

Project G-Bomb - Mercenary Garage Gravity Bike

Image Mercenary Garage

#GravityBike #ProjectGBomb #NicoleKidman #BMXBandits #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Franky Rockers

Vintage Style Custom Kawasaki KLR 250

Image Luta62 (?)

#FrankyRockers #VintageStyle #Retro #KawasakiKLR250 #KLR250 #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Power Armor

Power Armor 06 - Illustration by Tan Di

Illustration Tan Di

#PowerArmor #TanDi #Manga #Mecha #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage