Tuesday 30 November 2021


Simpson Helmets

Image Unknown

#Simpson #SimpsonHelmet #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Monday 29 November 2021

Mic Christopher

Mic Christopher, Dublin Courier and Musician 1969 - 2001 - Image Patrick Glennon

Today is the twentieth anniversary of the death of Mic Christopher.

I knew Mic during the '90s when he worked on and off as a courier; sometimes on a bicycle and sometimes on a motorcycle. Like many other couriers he would take time off to do his own thing and return to courier work as it suited him. He was good humoured and humble and he was well liked. Everyone knew he was in a band, but he never talked about it so nobody thought anything much of it.

The last time I met him was on a warm, sunny late-summer evening in 2001. He pulled up alongside me at a set of traffic lights near the Customs House. I hadn't seen him in a long time and I'd heard through the grapevine that he'd broken his back in a crash. We pulled over to the pavement, dismounted and had a smoke and a catch-up in the sunshine.

He was his usual cheerful self as he told me about the accident and his recovery. He went on to say that he was done with courier life, for good this time and that he was going on tour in Europe. He was enthusiastic and optimistic about it and as we parted, he gave me his courier bag and his Dublin A-Z saying he didn't need them any more. And then with a wave, he took off into the traffic and was gone.

It's a lovely memory of a lovely guy.

#MicChristopher #Heyday #Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 28 November 2021

Toecutter B-King

Here at Mercenary, we wholeheartedly endorse this kind of audacious individualism...

Custom Suzuki 1340cc Suzuki B-King in a Mad Max Toecutter stylee.

Custom Suzuki 1340cc Suzuki B-King in a Mad Max Toecutter stylee.

Custom Suzuki 1340cc Suzuki B-King in a Mad Max Toecutter stylee.

Custom Suzuki 1340cc Suzuki B-King in a Mad Max Toecutter stylee.

Images via Toadypuff on Tumblr (It's also on German Ebay if you're interested in buying it...)

#SuzukiBKing #BKing #Toecutter #ToecutterGang #MadMax #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 27 November 2021


Cyberpunk Biker Girl - Illustration by Dunhuang Chen
Image - Dunhuang Chen

#DunhuangChen #Cyberpunk #CyberpunkMotorcycle #SciFiIllustration #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Friday 26 November 2021

Bosozoku Siam

Bosozoku Girls Thailand

Bosozoku Girls Thailand

Bosozoku Girls Thailand

Bosozoku Girls Thailand

Images - NonRasanon

#Bosozoku #BosozokuSiam #Sukeban #Yankii #KawasakiZephyr #DragonBike #BosozokuZephyr #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage 

Thursday 25 November 2021


Chopocalypse - Rat Bike Wasteland Matte Black Chopper Pilot
Image - Unknown

#Chopocalypse #Wastelander #ApocalypseCosplay #ApocalypseChopper #RatBike #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 24 November 2021


Steampunk Cosplay

Image Unknown

#Steampunk #Cosplay #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Two-Stroke Tuesday

2001 Connor Penhall Custom Built 2 Two Stroke Speedway Bike

Image via Dirtbike Magazine

#TwoStrokeTuesday #Speedway #SpeedwayBike #ConnorPenhall #TwoStroke #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Monday 22 November 2021

Fire Exit

Fire Exit - Image via Chemical Candy Customs on Tumblr

Image via Chemical Candy Customs on Tumblr

#ChemicalCandy #Chopper #Flamejob #HarleyDavidson #SpringerChopper #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 21 November 2021


Image - Unknown

#BISH #BrandnewIdolShit #Bosozoku #Sukeban #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycle #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 20 November 2021



Image - Unknown

#SuperMoto #SuperMotard #SuMo #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Friday 19 November 2021

Casual Friday

 Just another Casual Friday here at the Mercenary Garage...

Just another Casual Friday here at the Mercenary Garage...

Image - Unknown

#CasualFriday #HarleyDavidson #CustomHarley #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 18 November 2021

This Machine Kills Fascists

This Machine Kills Fascists

Image - Mercenary

#Fender #FenderJaguar #FenderMusicalInstruments #Triumph #TriumphMotorcycles #TriumphMeriden #ThisMachineKillsFascists #FuckFascism #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 17 November 2021



Image - Unknown

#Stussy #BobberMotorcycle #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Women's Moto Exhibit

Image - Women's Moto Exhibit

Image - Women's Moto Exhibit

#WomensMotoExhibit #HarleyChopper #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Monday 15 November 2021


Kimetsu by AM

Image - AM

#Bosozoku #Cyberpunk #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 14 November 2021

Space Race

Space Race - I told you to go before we left the house.

Image - The Mercenary van, every time we hit the M7

#Space #SpaceRace #Kosmonaut #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 13 November 2021


Cyberpunk Cowgirl Art Illustration - Jeff Chapman

Illustration Jeff Chapman

#Cowgirl #Cyberpunk #CyberpunkCowgirl #JeffChapman #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage 

Friday 12 November 2021


A lost Quasar time-machine motorcycle.
A lost Quasar time-machine motorcycle.

A trio of brave time-machine pilots, tragically lost to the eternal future discosphere.
A trio of brave Quasar time-machine pilots, tragically lost to the eternal future of the Discosphere.

Images - I can't even...

#Quasar #QuasarMotorcycle #TimeTravel #Discosphere #TheSeventies #The70s #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 11 November 2021

Turbo Thursday

Custom Kawasaki Z1R Turbo Streetfighter by Dave Solomon at Butchered Classics
Image via bikebound.com

#DaveSolomon #ButcheredClassics #BikeBound #Z1RTurbo #Z1R #KawasakiZ1R #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 10 November 2021


Illustraton Ivan Pozdnyakov
Illustraton Ivan Pozdnyakov

#IvanPozdnyakov #CafeRacer #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Max Headroom

Indian Scout Bobber Twenty - Ivo Ivanov
Image Ivo Ivanov

#IvoIvanov #Indian #IndianMotorcycles #IndianScout #IndianScoutBobberTwenty #MaxHeadroom #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Monday 8 November 2021


It's like Tom Petty said - The future ain't what it used to be...

1986 Yamaha Rana Concept by Hartmut Esslinger and Frog Design

Image Frog Design

#Yamaha #YamahaRana #YamahaFrog750 #FrogDesign #TheFutureAintWhatItUsedToBe #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Sunday 7 November 2021


Kamen Rider V3 (1974) - Japanese Superhero Movie

Kamen Rider V3 (1974)

#KamenRider #KamenRiderV3 #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Saturday 6 November 2021


Time to Hunt - Cyberpunk Motorcycle by Ed Laag

Illustration Ed Laag

#EdLaag #Hunter #SciFiIllustration #Cyberpunk #CyberpunkMotorcycle Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Friday 5 November 2021

Project Fantic

This is just a quick update on the Fantic 200 twin-shock trials bike. 

It hasn't been abandoned exactly, but opening up the motor revealed some missing parts. The kick-start shaft is still there but the rest of the starting mechanism is missing - particularly a 20-tooth gear that's proving hard to find. There are a couple of other bits which seem to be common to other Minarelli motors but that 20-tooth sprocket is proving elusive.

The bike should start easily with a bump-start and this isn't a problem it it's just going to be a fun-bike. But to participate in trials events it needs to kick start.

Just for the sake of completion, below are some pictures of some other (small) progress that's been made of the project.

These images are take from the Mercenary Garage Instagram account... 


Fantic 200 Trials - Original fuel tank with the oxide sanded off. I think I'll flame polish this for a better finish.

Fantic 200 Trials - The fuel tank was badly oxydised when I got the bike.

Fantic 200 Trials - The fuel tank with the oxide layer removed..

Fantic 200 Trials - Aluminium Side Stand, Swingarm Pivot and Rear Axle Assembly result in a weight saving of over a kilo.

Fantic 200 Trials - Rear Drum Brake Parts. Lighter, but just a little.

Fantic 200 Trials - Kick Start Shaft - Missing Parts

Images https://www.instagram.com/mercenary_garage/

#Fantic200Trials #Fantic200Parts #ProjectFantic #FanticTwinShock #BarnFind #MissingParts #TwinShockTrials #MercenaryFantic #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Fantic 340 Custom

Fantic 340 custom modified vintage twin-shock trials bike - Image via classictrial.co.uk
Image via classictrial.co.uk

#TwinShockTrials #ClassicTrials #Fantic #FanticTrials #Fantic340Trials #VintageTrials #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Thursday 4 November 2021

Whatcha Thinkin'?

"Oh, just battery-life charge-time range-anxiety cyberpunk electric-bike stuff..."

Whatcha Thinkin'? - Illustration Dongho Kang

Illustration Dongho Kang

#WhatchaThinkin #DonghoKang #Cyberpunk #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Buell is Back!

Production has just started on the Buell 1190 Hammerhead and Buell is taking orders for them now.

Order yours here - https://www.buellmotorcycle.com/

Buell Hammerhead - 185 hp, 101 ft-lbs, 190 kg. Nice!
Image Unknown

#Buell #BuellHammerhead #BuellMotorcycle #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Akira Remix

Akira Remixtape Vol. 1 by Damon Moran - Joker

Akira Remixtape Vol. 1 by Damon Moran - Tetsuo

Illustrations Damon Moran

#DamonMoran #Akira #AiraRemixtape #CapsulesVsClowns #AkiraTetso #AkiraJoker #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage

Monday 1 November 2021

Squid Games

Squid Games Cosplay - Image via Lorde of Gastown on Instagram
Image via Lorde of Gastown on Instagram

#SquidGames #HarleyDavidson #Mercenary #MercenaryMotorcycles #MercenaryGarage