Wednesday 2 October 2013

Free Stickers!

I've been writing this blog for a while now and it's slowly gaining popularity. I don't know about you, but I enjoy it. 

Some day's it gets a load of hits from Ukraine and maybe the next day it's big in Belgium! One day, half of the hits were from Saudi Arabia which surprised me quite a lot. I don't understand why this happens and nobody really interacts with the blog (although some people see the blog and interact through Facebook)  so I've no idea who you (the audience) are...

So, I'd invite anyone who reads this to say hello and maybe let me know what you think. 

There are a number of ways you can do this. You can click on the "Find us on Facebook" thing at the top of the column on the right hand side. This will take you to the Mercenary Facebook page where I'd be delighted if you 'Friended' me*.

Or you can probably click on the picture at the bottom of the same column and "Follow on Google" Nobody ever really does that, though sometimes I get emails that way.

Or you could comment in the comment section below. That happens sometimes too, but I think Firefox can be a bit sketchy about that. That makes me happy because if you do that, you really are interacting with the blog and to my mind, that's what it's about.

Or finally, you could just send me an email at

Anyway, I have a limited supply of Mercenary stickers to give away, free, to anyone who wants them. I have a couple of new designs in the pipeline, so if the first batch runs out, you might end up with the new ones (and you might have to wait a couple of weeks).

Anyway, drop me a line with a hello and your postal address and I'll send them out to you.**

Mercenary Garage Stickers

*Provided you look like you might be a real person and not a suspiciously attractive young girl with one photo and three disparate but deeply uncool friends.

**There are no terms and conditions. I won't keep your postal address and I wont be marketing anything to your email address. But if you stick your stickers on something and send me a photograph of it, I'll probably feature it in a post later on.

#Mercenary #MercenaryGarage

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